Confirmed Inclusive and Accepting Religious Spaces
If you know of an inclusive and safe worship space that is not listed,
email faith.lgbtqia@gmail.com, with the Subject line: Safe and Inclusive Worship Space
St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church ABC-USA https://www.stlukembc.org -Charlotte, NC
The El-Tawhid Juma Circle/ ETJC (Toronto Unity Mosque) www.jumacircle.com/who-we-are/
Unity Fellowship Church Movement https://ufcmlife.org -Charlotte, NC
Sacred Souls Community Church www.sacredsoulscommunitychurch.org -Charlotte, NC
Ministries Beyond Welcome https://ministriesbeyondwelcome.org
Linden Hills UCC - Minneapolis
New Life MCC -Gastonia, NC
Dynamic Faith Ministries http://www.dynamicfaithministriesinc.com
First Liberty Church https://valarieoliver.wixsite.com/firstlibertychurch - Baton Rouge, LA
Transmission Ministry Collective http://www.transmissionministry.com
Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists https://awab.org/ - Louisville, KY
Other Resources